This is the second ‘Work Tips’ blog post on the topic of time management. We already covered structuring your time in ‘Work Tips: Time Management (1).’ You can check that one now or be a rebel and read the second one first! In this post, we’ll continue with some more time management tips. Let us know your own tips in the comments below.
Schedule Events
Plan for events like meetings, training sessions, and team social activities well. Schedule your own events several days or more ahead to support participation and preparation. Ensure you have a clear record of the events you’ll be part of so you don’t forget or have clashes. When everything is organized well, there’s less stress because you know what’s happening and you’re ready. It’s a plus for performance and professionalism.
Most corporate communication software has integrated event planning with a calendar to see your upcoming events and the ability to view colleagues’ calendars too. Other options include dedicated personal scheduling/calendar apps, email or computer calendars, or even classic paper calendars and notes.
Check your calendar at the start of the day so you’re mentally prepared and can manage your time effectively. It’s also good to check the calendar at the end of the day so you’re ready for any events at the start of the next day. Set automatic event reminders with appropriate notice periods to avoid rushing to join events as they’re starting.
I’ve run out of time talking about time, but let’s schedule a time to talk more about time management in the next post. You can also look forward to other Work Tips topics in the future. Feel free to leave a comment below with your own thoughts, tips, or topics.